The condition of "Group theory"

"Combination law is established, and moreover the existence of the unit cause and the reverse cause is necessary"

There is operator which does operate between the optional element which belongs to a certain set by the group. A and closing, combination are established as for the operation , and as for the operation, closing, combination and exchange are established , and the existence of the unit element and the reverse element is necessary for it again.
In other words, when A,B,C is element and U is unit element and $ is operate , then closing law that is A$B should only be one element, and reverse element A' which becomes the unit element U which becomes combination law (A$B)$C=A$(B$C), exchange law A$B=B$A, A$U=A, A$A'=U is necessary.


O-point can surely arrive at the next O-point like the example of the double periodicity of the oval function of the Sub-image from both the S direction and the P direction. Moreover, it doesn't interfere at all even if it starts from not only it but also opposite S direction and P direction. Do the following Abbreviation. Interested person is to read technical book, please.
When the name of the group was made Narihira, I thought about unit element as a humor of "like sex thing", "nobility" as a reverse element toward the operation of the "prosperity and ruin".
As for the element of Ariwara no Narihira, I began to chose 82,83,84,99 paragraph from which makes Narihira image 3,4,5,6,9,39,63,65,69,76,77,78,79,82,83,84,87,97,99,107 paragraph inside.
I choose 69,71,72,102 paragraph in the element of Ise Saik of 69,71,72,75,102,104 paragraph. I choose 9-12 paragraph in the element of east decent from 7-15.
I choose 2,4,5,6 paragraph in the element of Nijo empress from 2,3,4,5,6,29,76,95 paragraph.
This essay doesn't care even if it begins with other elements if the above law is followed though it begins with 69 paragraph Sake element in accordance with name of this story.
In other word, there are four books that crown did the name of each element, and it doesn't have only to think that the number which shows order there is being shaken. Leave the order that it is read by chance.

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